The sex club gran can IS FUCKING AMAZING
Club is massive on two floors fucking sex everywhere – really hot guys with big fucking cocks hanging out there’s shorts or trackies
Club Kiki which is now upstairs of the yumboo gave us our own area to get as many cocks out and up our arse on as possible
No one knew if it was gonna work, filming sex on stage in nightclubs is always a load of shit – it’s just not horny, HOWEVER this was just like a really small raised podium upstairs in our own area (meaning we can get members of the audience to get their dicks out and get them to cum, in our mouth, in our bum, we don’t care
This hot little cunt – so fucking cute man
Was really funny, cos he told me before going out that he was only a top and n3ver bottom – then in the club he was getting ️ ️ fucked by fuckin* anyone (got hard just writing that then)
He’s bent over, taking every hard cock he can find, letting them fill him up with cum leaving him dripping. Grabbing every anon cock that get waved in his face.
Fucking hell
His yet another crazy nutter – why me – how come I always end up finding the most insane lads – his fucking up 4 it though – like big time – doesn’t stop talking about bareback sex – he was begging the other lads every night to keep fucking him – this after having sex for 5hrs in the club – insanely horny
He heads back to his villa, still leaking from his hole all sloppy with spunk. He jumps on Grindr, and the messages come flooding in. One by one, they come over, ready to dive into sloppy seconds, sliding into his already lubed-up hole, using the cum from the club to fuck him even harder. Each dude adds to the mess, stretching his hole, making him moan with every new dick.