Flip Flop

Some time has passed since Coach Angus touched base with Austin, the twink he guided through his first topping session. The older man was incredibly proud of the progress his trainee had made. Austin has definitely surpassed his Coach’s expectations. Everyone would always assume that, due to the boy’s smaller stature, he wouldn’t have the stamina to really perform in […]

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MILO MILES Chapter 3 – Staying Late

DILF executive CEO Mr. Dillon Stone is balls-to-the-wall slammed with approaching deadlines. However, handsome young twink upstart Milo Miles is ready and willing to do anything that his hunky boss dictates—including overtime hours alone with the eye-catching daddy! After countless hours of breakneck pace, Milo encourages Mr. Stone to catch his breath and take a break. The ambitious boy even […]

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