I pulled these fit lads for a day and FUCK ME SIDEWAYS it was chaos from the start These chavvy raved-up ladz were all over the place, racing hard and causing TOTAL FILTHY MAYHEM on the track The cutest, fittest bunch you could imagine messing about, laughing and getting all RAGING HORNY Couldn’t believe they let us loose on those […]

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‘GAME ON’: Orgy Part 2

Today we have the conclusion of our ‘Game On’ project where all the guys finally get together for some group fun. After the relaunch of Frisky Summer last year, this has been the first of a series of story-based collections, most of them ending with some hot group sex. For our next major series however, we are teaming up with […]

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Best time ever! ✨ First time EVER I was a proper cum dump! Believe it or not, I’m actually a TOP, and if I do bottom, it’s definitely NOT for 20 blokes lol. ️ ️ When people message me asking how many loads I’ve taken today, I’m just not like that at all. (Not for the want of trying or […]

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‘GAME ON’: Orgy Part 1

We don’t want you to get used to every Frisky Summer Ranch project ending in an orgy, but our Game On series does in fact climax with another 2 part fuck fest. The Blue team is the winner of the football match, but when it comes to the sex, all of the guys seem to be winners. After a quick […]

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The soaking of a lifetime

Uber-horny cutie, Julien Heath, gets proceedings off to a fabulous start with the sort of scene that’s more usually associated with the end of a film rather than the beginning. Returning from a hot, sweaty paint-balling escapade, he finds the locker-room filled with a gang of mega-horny young studs who want one thing and one thing only – namely him! […]

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