James Blond Cumdump #1

James Blond is the latest cute twink to be ravished by the Cum Dump crew. From Daddybear Jack Andy to cute twink Milo Miles, James gets the full Whitman Sampler dick box, getting fucked by almost every size and shape imaginable. These men are always on the lookout for a cute slut with a deep tight hole, or at least […]

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Scout Logan, Chapter 9: Display of Skill

Scoutmaster Stone finds Scout Logan trying to tie knots in the woods. The boy is struggling badly and becoming increasingly frustrated and angry. An intervention is clearly required. Stone approaches the boy and attempts to calm him down, but there’s something in the air; something exciting, something sexy which can’t be ignored. They both feel it and within seconds they’re […]

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Dex, Chapter 3: Surprise Visit

Fireman Guy joined the fire department about a year ago. He’s not sure he would want to do it in a big city, but, in a small town, it’s not that dangerous. They do work., and occasionally take risks. The best calls, though, are what they call “Lonely House Wife Visits.” That is a dirty little Fire Department secret but […]

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Troop Time, Chapter 22: Boys Will Be Boys

Scoutmasters Saint and Banner have snuck off into the woods for a bit of man-on-man action. They’re highly surprised to find scouts Serg and Zack heavily making out under a tree. The boys initially think they’re in big trouble, but the scoutmasters are way too horny to admonish them for leaving base camp without permission. Within seconds all four of […]

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