It’s that time of year again, and we are in Belgium for the Darklands festival. Each year is bigger and better than ever before, and we have so much fun over the weekend meeting new boys, actually really young guys who have more sexual confidence than I’ve ever seen before. ❤
SHIT! I sure didn’t have that much confidence when I was younger. All these horny fuckers are well up for it they get fucked left right and centre in the dark rooms.
We love seeing the familiar faces each year they actually do become our European friends.
JBSKECTH always says hello to the art people on their stalls, and we always check out the new sex toys and gear.
And of course we met up with Daan or AKA “Max Verstappen”. This will be the third year we met him and each time he’s brought along a new sexy guy for us to film and fuck. I was too trash to go out partying after words, but he took Jamie out and looked after him. They were waiting for me in the hotel to get back from the dark rooms at the event, and while they’re waiting JB sketch caught up with Daan and made this for you.