Damien, Anal Ultrasound

After discovering that Damien was actively pursuing an online sex opportunity, Dr. Wolf finds himself caring for the boy, adopting a sort of daddy-like bond with him. The Doctor encourages Damien to touch base often, so he isn’t surprised to see the name show up on his schedule as the final patient of the day. The Doctor does have a […]

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The Ties that Bind, TAPE #6: Next Steps

As the New Year approached, Dr. Legrand Wolf’s time with long-lost, newly discovered Ukrainian son Serg was rapidly coming to a conclusion. Awaiting her beloved son’s return home to Kyiv, Serg’s mother misses him dearly. In the meantime, however, Serg wishes with all of his heart, mind, and body to spend as much time as humanly possible with his fantastic […]

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