The Ties that Bind, TAPE #6: Next Steps

As the New Year approached, Dr. Legrand Wolf’s time with long-lost, newly discovered Ukrainian son Serg was rapidly coming to a conclusion. Awaiting her beloved son’s return home to Kyiv, Serg’s mother misses him dearly. In the meantime, however, Serg wishes with all of his heart, mind, and body to spend as much time as humanly possible with his fantastic […]

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Shay’s Anal Ultrasound

Lately, Dr. Wolf has been too busy for Shay to come over to the house for play time, so Shay took matters into his own little hands! He called Dr. Wolf’s office and made an appointment to see him. Dr. Wolf knows what the little guy’s game is, but he’s missed their time together, too, and he’s willing to play […]

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